This is my first blog ever. I am somewhat excited, as whenever I start something like this I get excited and slowly start to loose momentum. I have a website that I originally created for music but it lost momentum as well. To tell you the truth I don't know how many websites I have created over the course of my lifetime. The first website i created was about cars, this was when I lived breathed cars I even thought about opening a car company some where in africa because they had no car companies. I was already in my head competing with Ford, Toyota, Honda all the big names. That site actually earned me money. I earned money through affiliate programs, this was before Google Ad sense was invented. I earned $38.70 from that site, I remembered because I couldn't get hold of the money after leaving my paypal account so dormant for several months. Something happened, i don't know because it wasn't even a year that I left the account without checking it; but anyway I think that if anyone has the opportunity to make extra cash online they should take advantage of it.